Each year, Orientation and Family Programs and Services recognizes one family with the Alan and Sally Merten Family of the Year Award, which recognizes the important role that families play in their student’s experience at Mason.
The 2015 Family of the Year Award went to the Brandon Family. Maya Brandon, a senior, economics major from Manassas, nominated her mother and her son Noah to receive the award. Below is an excerpt from Maya’s essay about her family:
“There were many times where I lost my way, but my mother was always there to pick me up and get me back on track. Where she found herself lacking financially, she made up with faith and an astounding dedication to excellence, for herself and her daughter. She has pushed me to be all I can be and then some. I attribute my successes simply to my mother and I could never give back to her all that she has given to me. I could never express my gratitude in a way that fully displayed how grateful I am that she was chosen to be my mother.”
The Brandon family was presented with the Family of the Year Award during the Family Weekend Welcome Dinner, which also included a variety of performances from student groups, and served as one of the official kickoff to Family Weekend. You can read more about the Brandon Family by clicking here.
Over 2,000 students and family members participated in this year’s Family Weekend events, making it our largest Family Weekend to date! Highlights of the weekend include Mason Madness, bus tours across the Metro DC area, Sunday brunch at Ike’s, and more. Check out our Facebook page for photos and highlights from the weekend.
We hope you can join us for next year’s Family Weekend, which will be held October 14 – 16, 2016!
Kristen Wright
Graduate Assistant
Orientation and Family Programs and Services