Health and safety abroad
Safety is a priority for the Global Education Office (GEO). GEO will only send students abroad if conditions allow, and when we do, we assure you that each student will be prepared with information on how to stay as safe as possible while abroad. Every Mason student abroad is covered by emergency medical insurance and evacuation in the case of especially serious medical concerns, natural disasters or other crises. Many programs are faculty-led, so a trusted Mason advisor is there to guide students.
Will there really be study abroad?
Yes, but maybe not in the traditional sense. The travel portion of study abroad may be on hold but not the educational experience. It became apparent this past spring that a global perspective is more important than ever. Many of the subjects explored in our courses are particularly relevant to today’s problems. This global pandemic will forever change how people use technology. Mason graduates must gain the skills to be affective collaborators in and across a world of Zoom and WebEx.
New models for international education
Studying abroad has become an integral part of a Mason education. GEO will not allow this pandemic to change that. The factors that distinguish Mason’s study abroad programs from those of our peers are affordability and choice. The new education abroad models, such as the virtual International Internship program where students work with an international organization abroad from the safety and security of their home and without the added expense of travel, are improving access to these experiences.
A plethora of programs
In addition to visiting exciting places, study abroad is an integrated classroom experience that can include volunteering, internships, and directed travel, if the learning objectives and outcomes drive these activities. Study abroad opportunities are available for many different majors and programs of study. For example, Mason’s bioengineering program has mapped a curricular match with the University Carlos III of Madrid with courses taught in English. Mason students at the College of Science can sign up for a Geology Field Camp in Italy, and students in the School of Business attend the University of Mannheim, the #1 business school in Germany. GEO continues to grow the number of exchange partnerships, offered on every continent except Antarctica, where students can pursue their studies in nearly every discipline offered on Mason’s various campuses.
Study Abroad is affordable
Although financial challenges may cause you and your students to think study abroad is out of reach, many program costs are equivalent to the cost-of-attendance at Mason. In many programs offered through Mason’s GEO, students can save money by studying abroad.
Financial aid and scholarships can be applied toward the expense of study abroad, and additional scholarships and travel grants are available.
Learn more
Visit GEO online at or email Indeed, students are never more than an email or phone call away from learning about all of GEO’s exciting study abroad opportunities. Your student can also visit the office on the Fairfax campus again beginning August 24.
Achim Loch
Marketing and Outreach
Global Education Office
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