Mason Family Flash

Encourage your student to apply to be a Patriot Leader

Every summer, as a new group of students and family members prepare to join the Mason community, the Patriot Leaders, hired student leaders within New Student and Family Programs, work hard to prepare and welcome everyone into the Mason Family. The Patriot Leaders assist in making new students and their families feel at home here at Mason while sharing a glimpse of the Mason spirit. These students demonstrate leadership qualities both inside and outside the classroom and are passionate about helping students and families acclimate to the college environment. Patriot Leaders spend a lot of time assisting others in their transition to Mason.

Here at Mason, orientation is a university-wide event that brings a variety of offices and academic stakeholders together. Serving as a Patriot Leader allows students the ability to network with individuals from across campus while developing key professional competencies like critical thinking/problem solving, collaboration/communication, and commitment to cultural competence.

New Student and Family Programs is looking for students who fit this description and who are ready to grow professionally while assisting students and families with this important transition to Mason. This position also provides students an opportunity to further their own personal leadership potential and individual growth. To learn more about the role and expectations, the full position description and FAQs can be found at You can find a link to the application there or on Handshake. The deadline to apply is Monday, October 28 at 5 p.m. If you think your student would be a good fit for this role, encourage them to apply! #PL2020 #WearThePolo

Joseph Deluna
Assistant Director of Orientation and New Student Programs
New Student and Family Programs

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