Mason Families

Key Locations on Campus

Cashier’s Office

The Cashier’s Office collects money due to the University. Every semester students are required to make payments for tuition (classes), board (housing), and other fees by the first day of classes. The Cashier’s Office will accept cash and check payments in person. Students can also use the online Bill and Payment System to pay for tuition and fees by Credit/Debit cards.

   SUB I, 1501
   [email protected]

Financial Aid

Attending college can a large expense for a family to bear. The Office of Student Financial Aid helps students identify need and awards aid. There are four types of financial aid available to Mason students who need assistance paying for college: grants, loans, scholarships, and work-study.

   SUB 1, 1100

Student Accounts

Student Accounts sends bills for tuition and fees to students and ensures that financial transactions are accurately processed and proper records are maintained. Student Accounts also offers payment plans to break up payments into smaller chunks instead of one large payment on the first day of classes.

    SUB 1, 1600

Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office maintains records of all students and issues transcripts which consists of what classes a student has taken and what credits have been earned from Mason. The Registrar also sets the class schedule for every semester and officially awards degrees to students upon graduation from Mason.

   SUB 1, 2101
   [email protected]

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

CAPS provides both personal counseling through Psychological Services and academic counseling through Learning Services. CAPS enables students to develop effective tools to use in overcoming obstacles in their academic progress. Students can participate in individual or group counseling for personal concerns or a variety of workshops and individual counseling for academic concerns.

   SUB 1, 3129

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services coordinates reasonable accommodations and disability-related services that afford equal access to university programs and activities. ODS is available to serve all students with disabilities including those with cognitive (e.g. learning, psychological, and closed head injury), sensory, mobility, and other psychical impairments.

   SUB I, 2500

Mason Card

The Mason Card Office administers meal plans for students and manages the Mason Money debit card system. Meal plans are required for all freshmen living on campus. Students may add, change, or drop their meal plan throughout the semester by contacting the Mason Card Office.

   SUB I, 1203
   [email protected]

Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Multicultural Education (ODIME)

ODIME leads the university in creating and sustaining an inclusive learning environment where all members of the Mason community are welcomed and supported. ODIME also houses the Student Transition Empowerment Program (STEP) which is an initiative created to enhance the recruitment, engagement, and retention of first-generation college students accepted to Mason.

   SUB I, 2400

Student Health Services

All enrolled students are eligible to receive health care from Student Health Services. There is no charge to be seen by one of Student Health Services’ health care providers, however, there are nominal fees for lab work, medications, treatments, dressings, and supplies. Eligible students may enroll in the Aetna Student Health Insurance Plan during their time at Mason.

   SUB I, 2300
   [email protected]