New Student and Family Programs (NSFP) is excited to introduce the Mason Family Connection – the official platform for university communication and family engagement. This platform provides a space for you to find your community within the larger family community and become actively involved at Mason.
Everything you need to make the most of your Mason family experience is now located in one centralized location within the Mason Family Connection. You can post comments on articles, interact with other Mason family members in your selected communities, and view upcoming events, important dates, and deadlines.
The Mason Family Connection allows you to customize the content you receive to include relevant information for your Mason family. You can also set the frequency of how often you wish to receive updates. If you want to make account changes, you can do so at any time.
You should have received a welcome email on Monday afternoon, but if you did not, visit and create an account using your email address. Once you create your account, select the communities you want to be a part of and customize the information you wish to receive. Watch this instructional video to see how to platform works:
Set up your account and start exploring the Mason Family Connection today! We invite you to join the Mason Family Connection Q&A on Wednesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. via Zoom to ask questions and provide feedback on the platform.
We understand that there are a lot of communication changes happening within New Student and Family Programs, and we want to ensure we are supporting you through this transition. If you need assistance, please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website at
Daylen Orlick
Assistant Director for Family Programs
New Student and Family Programs