Mason Families

Save the date for Sibs & Kids Weekend 2018!

On April 21-22, we invite Mason siblings and kids between ages 6-18 to campus for the 7th annual Sibs & Kids Weekend! Sibs & Kids Weekend (formerly Siblings Weekend) is a great opportunity for siblings and kids to experience life on campus. Mason students are encouraged to invite their siblings, cousins and friends, and Mason faculty and staff members are encouraged to invite their children, nieces, nephews and neighbors.

Saturday, April 21 will be a day filled with events and activities. There will be specific programs for younger participants (ages 6-12), older participants (ages 13-18), as well as programming suitable for both age ranges.

If your Mason student lives on campus in a residence hall, older participants (ages 13-18) have the option to stay overnight with them. Families with younger participants (ages 6-12) are encouraged to arrange alternative overnight accommodations. We highly recommend our room block with the Courtyard Fairfax Fair Oaks. Visit to reserve a room for your family at our discounted rate!

All family members are invited to join us on campus on Sunday, April 22 for breakfast and bingo. Family members who are not registered as Sibs & Kids Weekend participants (e.g. parents, grandparents, guardians, etc.) will be charged a small fee. Payment will be accepted on site.

Registration launches on February 1 at Registration and schedule information will be available on and also on our George Mason Family Programs Facebook page soon. Stay tuned for more Sibs & Kids Weekend updates!

Rebecca Stauffacher
Coordinator, Family Programs
Orientation and Family Programs and Services