Mason Families

Stay Active with BurnAlong

Recreation and Athletic Complex at Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason UniversityDid you now that your Mason student has free access to BurnAlong? BurnAlong is a Health/Wellness/Fitness App and website with thousands of online video classes they can take on their phone, tablet, computer and cast to the TV. Classes range from Meditation, Stress Management, Nutrition, Barre, Pilates, Boxing, Yoga, Sleep Aid, Kid fitness, Dance, Bootcamp and more – right at their fingertips anywhere and anytime!

Now here’s the really great news – families get FREE access, too! Your student has four (4) gift accounts they can give to anyone they want.

To get your free account from your student, simply ask them to sign into their Mason BurnAlong account, go to their profile page, and click on settings to add you as one of their free gift accounts. You will have your own FREE BurnAlong account so you can watch classes and use all the features. 

If you have any questions regarding your free BurnAlong account or about BurnAlong in general, send an email to Please make sure your Mason student has their own BurnAlong account set up first.

Lewis Forrest
Associate Dean
University Life

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