Mason Families

Academic Advising Requirements

Academic advising is a critical component of the undergraduate educational experience.  While information about academic programs, policies, and procedures is available in the University Catalog, there are exceptions and program-particular requirements that can best be explained by the student’s academic advisor.  Depending on major, advising may be performed by members of the faculty or by professional academic advisors.  Please encourage your student to determine how advising is performed in his/her academic department and to establish a relationship with an academic advisor.  The academic advisor is more than just a source of information about general education and major requirements and can be a valuable resource for referrals to campus programs and offices that can provide help and assistance with a variety of issues.

At the very least, students should meet with an advisor each semester prior to registration for the next semester.  Encourage your student to make an appointment for advising well before his/her registration date to assure being seen in a timely manner.  Students should come prepared to an advising appointment with questions they may have and courses they are considering taking.  Click here for all priority dates and times for spring registration.

Establishing a relationship with an academic advisor and working in conjunction with an advisor can help assure a successful transition to college and graduating on time.   The Advisor Locator has the location and telephone number for every academic department.  Encourage your student to touch base with their academic advisor as they are preparing for their future at Mason and beyond.

Paul Bousel
Associate Director
Academic Advising and Transfer Center