
Career Education Courses

Whether your student is a freshman exploring majors or a senior preparing for graduation, career education courses will develop career confidence. George Mason University has a robust Career Education Program comprised of five one-credit career courses, that are taught by employers and career advisors, and overseen by University Career Services and the Center for Academic Advising, Retention, and Transitions. These courses are instrumental in helping your student make decisions pivotal to education and career readiness.

Every fall and spring semester Mason students can select from these courses – including hybrid and online options:

  • Learn how to choose a major that is the right fit for your student’s values, interests, skills and personality with Decide/Confirm Major (UNIV 220), for second-semester freshman or higher.
  • Prepares your student to pursue internships and other career-related experiences with Internship/Career Readiness (UNIV 320), for sophomores or higher.
  • Discover how to transition from Mason to a job or a career with College to Career (UNIV 420), for juniors and seniors. Students with majors in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) should also consider enrolling in a degree-specific College to Career course through CHSS. Credits for these courses may vary.
  • Teaches your student how to become ready for graduate and professional school with College to Graduate School (UNIV 421), a one-credit course for juniors and seniors.
  • Develop a professional image so your student can stand out in his os her first job after Mason with Developing your Professional Edge (UNIV 422), a one-credit course for graduating seniors.

Encourage your student to register for a career course. If your student is interested in enrolling in any of the above courses, more information is available on the University Career Services website!

Rachel Lindsey
Assistant Director
Career Education