Mason Families

Finding a Career: Mason Career Courses

Did you know that Mason offers robust career education courses that can help your student at various steps of his or her career readiness, beginning with the important step of declaring a major?

There are four courses and multiple sections in each course. Hybrid and online sections are also available. 

UNIV 220: Decide/Confirm Major (two-credit course for second semester freshman or higher)
Learn how to choose a major that is the right fit for interests, skills and personality  

UNIV 320: Internship/Career Readiness (a one-credit course for sophomores)
Prepare to pursue internships and other career-related experiences 

UNIV 420: College to Career (a one-credit course for juniors and seniors)
Discover how to transition from Mason to a job or a career

* The College of Humanities and Social Sciences also offers three customized sections of the College to Career course for students who study humanities, social sciences, and global affairs. 

UNIV421: College to Graduate School (a one-credit course for juniors and seniors)
Learn how to become ready for graduate and professional school

*These courses are taught by a team of career professionals and business executives. Guest lecturers from the public, private, and nonprofit sectors will also contribute their knowledge and perspectives in navigating the job search process and gaining satisfying, professional employment.

If your student is interested in enrolling in any of the above courses, encourage them to visit for more information and to read testimonials from Mason students who completed the courses.

Elena Chiru
Assistant Director, Career Education
University Career Services