Mason Families

New year? New opportunities for your student to get involved

A new semester brings new opportunities for your student to get involved! At Mason, there are more than 400 registered student organizations, countless intramural sports teams, and a multitude of service opportunities. Encourage your student to get involved, make a difference and begin to leave their legacy by attending one of these upcoming events or programs.

Winter Warm Up!
Thursday, January 24, 7 p.m.-10 p.m.

We have lots of exciting events planned during Winter Welcome2Mason to start the spring semester off strong. Encourage your student to come out to the Winter Warm Up for music, winter themed giveaways, virtual graffiti wall, food, fun and more!  There are many other events planned over the first few weeks of the semester including a Dive-In Movie, Trivia Night, Step Show, and Mason Men’s Basketball home games!

All of these events and programs provide great opportunities for your student to be involved during the spring semester.  Find the full schedule and more information at

Registered Student Organizations Winter Fair
Wednesday, February 6, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Johnson Center, Dewberry Hall

More than 80 on-campus registered student organizations will provide information to students interested in getting involved. Members of each organization will answer questions and encourage students to join their organization. The fair will also include performances and a t-shirt swap where students can swap a non-Mason shirt for a free Mason shirt! If your student has questions, they can send an email to [email protected].

Intramural Sports Registration
January 21-February 5

Does your student have a competitive edge?Mason Recreation’s intramural sports program may be perfect for them!Registration opens on Wednesday, January 17 and is free to all full-time students. Men’s, women’s and co-rec leagues are offered. Co-rec leagues provide a great way to play sports in a social environment where students can make connections with their peers. More information is available online at

Mason Gives Back

Mason Gives Back offers numerous on campus and community opportunities for students to get involved in service learning by participating in blood drives, cleanup projects, philanthropic projects, food-packing events and more. More information about volunteer opportunities can be found at

For more information about student organizations and involvement opportunities, encourage your student to visit

Samantha Greenberg
Associate Director of Family Programs
New Student and Family Programs

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