
Siblings Weekend- Register by April 10!

WP Siblings Weekend

There is still time to register your Mason student and their sibling for Siblings Weekend on April 18-19! Siblings Weekend registration will close in just over two weeks on Friday, April 10 at 5 p.m. EST.

Saturday, April 18 will be a day full of exciting activities that allow siblings to experience life at Mason while having fun with his or her Mason sibling. Some event highlights include:

  • Scavenger Hunt
  • Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus
  • “Who Done It- Catching a Criminal”- Mystery Game
  • Dinner and Trivia
  • Big Hero 6 Movie Night

The cost for siblings ages 6-11 is $20, and $30 for siblings ages 12-18. Mason students attend for free! This fee includes entrance to all activities, give-a-ways, a Siblings Weekend t-shirt, and a full day of activities on both Saturday and Sunday.

While Siblings Weekend is designed to provide siblings time to connect on campus, all family members will be invited to join us for brunch with the Patriot on Sunday, April 19. Family members over the age of 10 will be charged $10.50 to attend brunch, while family members until the age of 10 are free.

For more information about the schedule of events, registration, and frequently asked questions, visit We can’t wait to welcome siblings in April! 

Kristen Wright
Graduate Assistant, Family Programs

Orientation and Family Programs and Services