Mason Families

iWeek Turns 40!

Welcome to the 40th International Week at Mason! Over the past four decades, International Week has evolved substantially to become what it is today – representing international students from more than 130 countries and celebrating the diversity and vibrancy of our Mason community.

In this unprecedented year, while the whole world battles against COVID-19 and countless other crises, it is even more important that we continue our long tradition of iWeek at Mason. Getting to know one another fosters mutual cross-cultural understanding and establishes relationships while learning about global issues. It is a year that demands collaboration and unity, desires humanity and care, and longs for the light at the end of the tunnel. Celebrating our differences is one way to raise our spirits.

We have prepared a wide range of educational programs and fun events, including:

  • Mason’s internationalization discussion
  • Study abroad seminars
  • Global health panels
  • Food truck festivals
  • International dance competitions and sporting events
  • Many other exciting events.

We invite you to tune in for our annual International Dance Competition on Friday, April 9 at 8 p.m. ET. This year, we will present the dance competition in a virtual format, so you can watch it from the comfort of your home. Please visit for specific details about the dance competition.

Although the majority of our events are virtual, we encourage your Mason family to attend as many as possible. Utilizing these opportunities will help our students get out of their comfort zone, develop their global interests, build intercultural competency, and possibly bring about change we want to see on a global level.

Please Zoom in, lean forward, wear a mask, practice social distancing, and enjoy! For a full calendar of events, visit 2021 iWeek Calendar. Happy International Week!

On behalf of the iWeek Committee,

Jonathan Carmona
Global Programs Coordinator
International Programs and Services

Kenneth Jones
INTO Mason

Ayleen Leonhardt
Student Involvement

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