Mason Family Flash

Will You Give on Giving Day?

Thursday, April 8 is Mason’s fourth annual Giving Day. Giving Day is a 24-hour period where all Mason supporters – alumni, friends, volunteers, faculty, staff, and students – are encouraged to come together to make a difference by supporting one of Mason’s many causes.

This year, University Life is partnering with the College of Health and Human Services, the Schar School of Policy and Government, and the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution to raise money for students who are experiencing financial distress and need emergency funding to ensure their basic needs are being met.

Our goal on Giving Day is to have 471 individuals make a gift to one of our student emergency assistance funds in honor of the 471 students who reported financial distress last year.

You can show your support early by making your gift now, or on April 8.

Gifts from parents and families demonstrate involvement, passion and confidence in Mason, and strengthen our university community in ways that would not be possible without philanthropy. I hope you will join us on April 8 and #GivetoMason!

For a list of featured Giving Day funds, please visit:

Let’s show the world that together, we are Mason!

Kaitlin Cicchetti, Ph.D.
Director of Advancement
University Life

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