Mason Families

Recreation prioritizes Health & Well-being in 2021

Mason Recreation is here to start the new year right and help our Patriots prioritize their health and well-being! We want to give our students the best collegiate recreation experience possible in this new reality of distance learning. That means offering a variety of virtual and in-person opportunities – focusing on safety and engagement. So have no fear Patriot Parents – we will have something for all our students to enjoy, no matter their location!

Safety First
Safety is our top priority, so we will be keeping our Covid-19 safety policies in place throughout the spring semester. Safety and entry policies include:
• Making a reservation to use our facilities and our indoor/outdoor courts and fields
• Show a completed daily Mason Health Check – result must be green to enter
• Always wear a face mask – even during your workout
• Maintain a 10ft distance from others at all times
• Clean fitness equipment before and after use
• Wash/ sanitize your hands often
• Increased facility and equipment cleaning throughout the day

Students and members will need to make a reservation online to enter our facilities and work out, swim, or use any of our indoor/outdoor courts and our outdoor fields. A successful, completed daily Mason health check is will be necessary for entry to our facilities, as well as to engage in our programs. You can find out more about our Covid safety plan at

In-Person Engagement
While not all our Patriots are on campus this year, we want to make sure that those who are have opportunities to get active and stay engaged. Following our safety policies above, students and members can safely access our recreation facilities at this time. Students can stop by for a workout and make use of our indoor and outdoor court space for activities such as basketball, badminton, racquetball/squash, volleyball, and more. Our facilities are open in one-hour increments, and then closed for 30 minutes to allow for staff cleaning. This means a reservation is necessary for entry and facility use. Read more about these policies at

We are doing our best to find ways to offer a few in-person events during the spring semester, and we will share all that information on our Mason Recreation communication channels! So, make sure your Patriot stays up to date on all thing’s recreation related by visiting our website at, following us on social media
@GeorgeMasonRec, and signing up for our monthly e-newsletter.

Virtual Engagement
We want to make sure our students are getting a quality recreation experience no matter their location! To ensure that we are keeping our students healthy, active, and engaged we are offering various virtual recreation programs. Some of our spring offerings include online group fitness classes, e-gaming, intramural sports, outdoor adventures, and team building with the EDGE! For many of these online activities, online registration will be necessary. For program details and more information, please visit

BurnAlong for YOUR Well-being
Don’t forget about BurnAlong – Mason’s free, on-demand, well-being platform that offers classes and programs on many topics: from physical fitness to stress management, life coaching, financial well-being, and more! Students can access this from home, campus, or wherever they like! Students can take a class alone or invite a friend to virtually join the class with them.

Now our Mason Families can enjoy BurnAlong too! Students can add up to 4 users for free and do it in 3 simple steps:
1) Login to your BurnAlong account
2) Go to My Profile
3) Scroll down & click Add Free User.
More information is available at

Stay Connected to Mason Recreation
Social Media: @GeorgeMasonRec
Email Newsletter: Sign up here.

Jennifer De La Rosa
Assistant Director of Marketing
Mason Recreation