Mason Families

On and Off Campus Housing: What You and Your Student Need to Know

Mason Residence Life

As the housing selection process approaches, your student may be considering housing options both on and off campus. To help your student make the best decision for them, here are some helpful hints and information on both housing options.

On-Campus Housing
Whether your student is selecting on-campus housing for the first time, or has been through the process before, there are some important dates and terms for you and your student to keep in mind.

  1. Forming a Group– If your student is living with roommates, he/she should form a group of 2,3,4, or 6 members to move forward through the housing application process. Keep in mind that over 70% of the spaces on campus are four-person suites.
  2. Application– Students can submit an application from February 9 at 10 a.m. – February 13 at noon. All group members must submit their own application, but each group should select a group leader who will be the primary contact for room selection and administrative tasks.
  3. Important Dates– There are a few key dates to keep in mind as your student moves through the housing selection process:

February 16: Room locator posted – this will help your student see what spaces are available
February 23-25: Groups of 4 are assigned
March 3-4: Groups of 6,3,2 are assigned
March 17-18: Individuals are assigned

  1. Selection Order– Group order will be determined by the average seniority of group members. Seniority is based on credits earned at Mason.
  2. Deposits- Deposits are due shortly after your student’s selection window. Each group member is responsible for paying their own deposit. If your student’s deposit is not made on time their housing assignment will be cancelled.

Groups of 4 – deposits due February 27
Groups of 2,3,6 – deposits due March 6
Individuals- deposits due March 23 

For more information about on-campus housing, take a look at the Housing Selection Cheat Sheet or contact Housing and Residence Life at [email protected] or 703-993-2720 

Off-Campus Housing
If your student is considering a move off campus, starting the process can be a daunting task. Sublets, leases, security deposits…where should a Mason student begin?

Off-Campus Student Programs and Services wants to make this transition easier and has multiple resources to help. Visit our website to check out our resources online. Before your student starts looking, he/she should set a reasonable budget and determine what is most important to them in a property. Cost? Location? Access to public transportation? Pet-friendly? You and your student should use the budgeting spreadsheet and think about what components are non-negotiable.

After determining what to look for, visit the official Mason Off-Campus Housing Locator at This website allows students to search for apartments, condos, townhouses, and sublets with ease, giving added security because the site is only open to Mason students, staff, and faculty. Students will need to register with their Mason login information. Once registered, students can look for housing, roommates, and furniture using the advanced search filter.

Finally, students can meet with property managers at our Off-Campus Housing Fair on Wednesday, February 25, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. in Dewberry Lobby which is located on the ground floor of the Johnson Center. Properties can answer questions and give an in-depth look at what their apartment complexes offer. Roommate matching and transportation information will also be available at this event. We always tell students that it is never too early to start researching housing options for next year!

If you or your student has any questions regarding housing, please contact Off-Campus Student Programs and Services at [email protected] or visit

Melissa Thierry
Associate Director of Housing Services
Housing and Residence Life

Emilie Dubert
Interim Associate Director
Off-Campus Student Programs and Services